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Story Blasters Combo: Book & Cards

RRP - $83.55   Our Price - $78.64  Set
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Illustrated by Tom Matthews

  • Story Blasters Combo

Save money on this fun book and cards combo for developing storytelling skills!

Use the creative illustrations and story starters in the book to help students develop storytelling skills and improve oral expression. A story starter relating to the action depicted in an illustration is first presented and the student's task is to tell the rest of the story. The humorous 8.5 by 11 illustrations are great for eliciting stories from students who need high-interest materials. Reproducible worksheets for recording students' responses are also included. This expanded second edition includes new stories, new pictures, and improvements in the task format. Great fun!

The card deck includes 52 picture cards which can be used to stimulate production of an original story. Students are asked to select a card and to tell a story about the action shown. Suggested story starters are included.

Item MediaPrice
img_2945Story Blasters Combo
Book & Cards
img_1000570Story Blasters
sample_1000570Spiral Bound$63.59Cart+
img_2002389Story Blaster Picture Cards